Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Political Left -- Thought Police

Mel Brooks' 1974 classic "Blazing Saddles" could not be made in today's hyper-PC-sensitive environment. America can thank the political Left for this, for it is they who created political correctness and all its limits for speech and thought. Frankly, this hyper-sensitivity and PC worldview is the lone accomplishment of liberals the last 30 years. These people, like the title of a Tammy Bruce book, are the "new thought police." A person, especially if that person is a white heterosexual male, cannot think or say anything that runs contrary to the Left's social worldview. A person's entire life can be uprooted and destroyed by these despicable people if that person utters anything the liberals-in-charge-of-thought deem unacceptable. You are a racist, a sexist or their latest criminal-du-jour, a homophobe.

"Blazing Saddles" nearly violates each of the three in its opening scene alone, with the use of the "nigger" (a word so vile, it can't be said, but only referred to by it first letter -- the "N-word")and "faggots." Madeline Kahn plays a sexy German bombshell sent into the town to tame the new black sheriff. Of course, feminists (ulgy women and lesbians) would object because Kahn was using her feminine wiles instead of being some leader of industry -- or a lesbian.

The stifling culture we live in now, the one where everyone, but especially white males, fears discussing anything but the weather in mixed company is a creation of the cultural Marxists, the thought-control-crowd, also known as liberals, those supposedly open-minded sorts.

I long for the day of the First Ammendment: the right to say whatever you want. To the perpetually aggrieved, I simply say, "Grow up you pussys!" Oops, did I just commit a hate crime by addressing a protected "victim group?" My bad.

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