Monday, June 1, 2009

The Bogus Homosexual Rights Movement

Question: When, pray tell, did the whims and thoughts of a godless thing like this above --

-- take priority over that of a Christian young lady?

Question (Part 2): How in the hell did America get to this point?

Answer (to both): Thirty-plus years of a relentless and savage assault on tradtional America by those in the homosexual mafia. Period.

There was a time when those fond of partaking in the "love-that-dares-not-speak-its-name" kept their heads low, stayed mute and lived in the shadows (and public restrooms) of society. But no more. Eight and a half years into the new millenium, the homosexual lobby has political clout far beyond its actual numbers in the population. It is an emboldened, brazen and extrememly vocal partcipant in the political process. Run afoul of angry homosexuals -- these people are anything but "gay" (i. e., happy) -- and run the risk of losing your livelihood.

Look no further than the reaction of homosexuals (and many other liberals) to the passage of Proposition 8 in California in November 2008. It was, and has been since, "Queens Gone Wild." The homosexual Lefts's "tolerance" has been on full display since the November 4 election when Californians dared to keep marriage as a union between one man and one woman (duh!): physical assaults, verbal attacks, blacklists, intimidation tactics, economic boycotts. Since the passage of Prop. 8, private citizens, businesses and churches who supported the measure have been targeted for intimidation, violence and boycott.

Examples of homosexual intolerance have been many, but none so blatant as that of El Coyote, a popular Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Times
reported of homosexual activists goal of destroying the business because Maggie Christofferson, the restaurant's former manager and a Mormon, had donated $100.00 to the "Yes on 8" campaign. An angry gang of homosexuals, the newspaper reported, showed up one evening shortly after election day, creating mayhem and shouting "Shame on you!" to anyone who entered the restaurant. It took police in riot gear to quell the disturbance and disperse the "tolerant" liberal mob.

I was not the least surprised by such violent and intimidating tactics, for such have been the signature brew of homosexuals since the dawning of their bogus movement.

Possibly the biggest victory for the "Lavendar Mob" was the American Psychological Association's 1973 "vote" to remove homosexuality from its DSM -- the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. I place the word vote in quotations to illustrate that this vote in no way indicated a full vote by the full membership of the APA. It was not. In fact, a distinct minority of psychiatrists voted to remove homosexuality from the list; just 16% of its membership changed the DSM. There was no new medical/scientific research or breakthrough. The decision was purely political, brought on by the threats of violence and intimidation tactics of homosexuals.

The first attacks on the APA came in 1970, when the organization made the mistake of holding its annual convention in the homosexual capitol of America: San Francisco. The conference was continually disrupted by homosexual activists. Speeches were shouted down, and psychiatrists were ridiculed if they uttered one syllable against homosexuality.

Homosexuals would up the attacks in 1971, 1972 and 1973. Whenever the APA met, you could rest assure that Frank Kameny, a radical homosexual, and a horde of his like-minded deviants would show up also. In 1971, credentials for the conference were forged, allowing homosexuals access to exhibition areas and entry into panel meetings and discussions. Anyone who dared say "cure" and "homosexual" in the same phrase were pounced upon by the tolerant. The APA tired of the loud, unruly types so defined by Kameny, so they relented in December 1973, removing homosexuality from its list of mental disorders.

Dismissing decades of actual research, the APA bowed to the political pressure of the homosexual lobby, giving it a victory it uses to this day to advance its agenda. Dr. Charles Socarides, an APA member critical of the decision, wrote in 1981 that the 1973 "APA decision served as the Trojan Horse" for the homosexual movement, "...opening the gates to widespread...change" and the ultimate goal of homosexuals: "normalizing homosexuality and elevating it to an esteemed status."

Americans are familiar with this newly acquired status: ludicrous hate crime legislation and othe anti-discrimanatory laws aimed at protecting the supposed sane man who dresses like a woman or opts to become a pseudo-woman.

Amid the various raids on the APA in the early 1970s, a collection of homosexuals gathered in 1972 at a Chicago church to design and lay out a platform of demands to present to the -- who else -- Democratic National Convention. Some 200 individuals from 18 states and representing some 85 organizations concocted 17 Federal and State "demands," many of which have already seen passage in parts of the country. Though the platform would be altered in 1987 and 1993, it has, remained largely intact. Demands dealing with discrimination in housing and employment are present on the list. Federal demand number seven was aimed at children: "Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by Gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy preference and lifestyle as a viable alternative to heterosexuality." Oddly, or not, this demand sounds eerily like "Goal #26" of the Communist Goals read into the Congressional Record in 1963 by Rep. A. S. Herlong: "Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity ans 'normal, natural and healthy.'"

Ironically (or once again, not), number seven of the platform's State demands involves children also: "Repeal all laws governing the age of sexual consent." This litte tidbit certainly makes it clear the lust which homosexuals have attacked the Boy Scouts of America. They so want to lead pubescent boys on long weekend camping -- with no parents -- trips in the woods.

It is often stated that "10%" of the population is homosexual. This number comes from the "studies" and "research" of Alfred Kinsey, the zoologist turned "sex-scientist." Kinsey's work resulted in Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, a tome based upon his alleged research. Kinsey conducted thousands of interviews for the book. Much of his work has been discredited since the book's release in the late 1940s. Scholar Judith Reisman began exploring Kinsey's work in 1981. She was particularly interested in "Table 34," a table on "toddler sex." Ms. Reisman looked deep into Kinsey's research and found it lacking. Kinsey's claim that "10-37%" of men had experimented with homosexuality was based on interviews with great numbers of homosexuals and ex-cons. The entire theory was skewed from the start, yet the 10% figure has become lore for homosexual activists and the Left. Meanwhile, the real percentage of those locked into the homosexual lifestyle is at 2-3% of the population, which makes the political victories of homosexuals all the more impressive.

Contrary to what homosexual activists and their liberal allies say, the homosexual movement is based on bad science, political intimidation and a cynical twisting of the language used by Martin Luther King. It is what it has always been, with one twist: a sexual deviance protected in many cases by federal law. Disturbing.

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