Monday, June 1, 2009

Diversity and Empathy Over Competence

President Barack Obama's nomination of Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court is a perfect example of the Left's lust with diversity -- only as it relates to ethnicity. Liberals and diversity-nuts view race as an accomplishment, even though the individual had nothing to do with it.

Ms. Sotomayor's nomination has been lauded by all the usual suspects in Obama's lap-dog media. Ms. Sotomayor's appointment has been heralded as a truly great thing by the Left. The "First Hispanic Woman" on the court reads headline after headline. She, it is said, will bring "empathy" to the court's decisions. Though the Constitution has been dead since it was written in 1789, I am certain Judge Sotomayor believes it is a "living, breathing document" that will shape her decisions, the type of document that say's discriminating against a black man is unconstitutional, but it is somehow okay to discriminate against a white male, like, say, Frank Ricci, a Connecticutt firefighter who spent $1,000.00 of his own money to study for a promotional examination. Despite having dyslexia, Mr. Ricci and seventeen other people passed the exam and earned the right to be promoted. However, no black applicant passed the test, so all of the passing scores were tossed out and no one got a promotion. A thinking person might come to the conclusion that the black firefighters shouldh have studied harder. That person would be wrong in this day and age where diversity trumps all standards and qualifications.

Ms.Sotomayor and her colleagues on the Second Circuit Appeals Court issued a one-paragraph opinion in rejecting Mr. Ricci's (and others) claim that he was discriminated against due to his white skin. Sixty percent of her decisions have been overturned by the Supreme Court, though not by the like-minded leftists on the court, including David Souter, who she will replace.

Welcome to 2009 America where every company, church, business, school, college and sandbox should "look like America" with carefully crafted quotas of every shade of humanity and every type of sexual deviance. Qualifications? That sort of nonsense is a white-Christian-hetereosexual-thing. Diversity is all that matters to the cultural Marxists of the Left.

Once confirmed -- and she will be confirmed -- expect Judge Sotomayor to render decision after decision to stick it to whitey whenever possible. After all, a "Latina woman" is much more capable than a white male.

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